
SayNumber() — Says the specified number



Says the specified number, using the current language setting for the channel. See the CHANNEL function for more information on changing the language for the current channel.

If the current language supports different genders, you can pass the gender argument to change the gender of the spoken number. You can use the following gender arguments:

  • Use the gender arguments f for female, m for male, and n for neuter in European languages such as Portuguese, French, Spanish, and German.

  • Use the gender argument c for commune and n for neuter in Nordic languages such as Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian.

  • Use the gender argument p for plural enumerations in German.

; say the number in English
exten => 123,1,Set(CHANNEL(language)=en)
exten => 123,2,SayNumber(1234)


For this application to work in languages other than English, you must have the appropriate sounds for the language you wish to use.

See Also

SayAlpha(), SayDigits(), SayPhonetic(), CHANNEL