
AgentCallbackLogin() — Enables agent login with callback



Allows a call agent identified by AgentNumber to log in to the call queue system, to be called back when a call comes in for that agent.

When a call comes in for the agent, Asterisk calls the specified exten (with an optional context).

The options argument may contain the letter s, which causes the login to be silent:

; silently log in as agent number 42, and have Asterisk
; call extension 123 in the internal context
; when a call comes in for this agent
exten => 123,1,AgentCallbackLogin(42,s,123@internal)


This application is deprecated, and the functionality has been replaced with AEL dialplan logic located in the doc/queues-with-callback-members.txt file within the Asterisk source.

See Also

Queue(), AgentLogin(), AddQueueMember(), RemoveQueueMember(), PauseQueueMember(), UnpauseQueueMember(), AGENT, agents.conf, queues.conf