Installing the Asterisk GUI

If you didn’t install AsteriskNOW, you need to download and install the Asterisk GUI files. Once the files are downloaded, you simply compile and install them as part of your Asterisk installation.


You need Asterisk 1.4 or later in order use the Asterisk GUI.

You can get the latest version of the GUI files by checking them out of Digium’s Subversion repository.[131] If you have Subversion installed on your computer, you can downloaded the GUI code by using the following command:

# cd /usr/src   # or wherever you prefer to download source code to
# svn co asterisk-gui

Installing the GUI is simple as this:

# cd asterisk-gui
# ./configure
# make
# make install
# make samples

After running the previous commands, the GUI files are installed and part of your Asterisk distribution.

Setting up httpd.conf and manager.conf

Configuring the Asterisk web server to process AJAM requests involves several simple steps. In the /etc/asterisk/http.conf file, add (or un-comment) the following:

enablestatic=yes      ; without this, you can only send AMI commands, not display 
                      ; html content

bindaddr=          ; address you want the Asterisk HTTP server to respond on
bindport=8088             ; port you want the Asterisk HTTP server to respond on
prefix=asterisk           ; will form part of the URI, similar to a directory name

Now that we’ve got httpd.conf set up, we can serve up content to a browser. To allow the web client to send commands to Asterisk, we have to make some changes to the Asterisk Manger Interface (AMI). We do this by adding a few lines to the [general] section of manager.conf, and by adding a user account with the config permission set. Open up manager.conf and edit it to match the following:

enabled=yes      ; you may already have AMI enabled if you are using it for other things
webenabled=yes   ; this enables the interaction between the Asterisk web server and AMI

[asterisk_http] ; you can name the user whatever you want
secret = gooey
read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config
write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config

Save the changes and restart Asterisk. You should be able to connect to Asterisk’s web server through the following URI:


If for some reason you’re having problems getting to that demo page, go back to the asterisk-gui source code directory and run:

# make checkconfig  

And that’s it! Asterisk is now web-enabled. Now, let’s move on to the actual work of developing with the Asterisk GUI.

[131] There is currently no way to download the GUI via FTP. That situation may change at any time, so feel free to check the Asterisk web site for updated information.